Thursday, March 31, 2011

Too good not to watch

Last week, my spirits soared when I came across this NPR article prior to going into work. I could not stop smiling and singing the catchy tune all day to myself, and soon shared it with others. I proceeded to obsessively watch the YouTube video a few times a day for the next couple days. Basically, it is the most refreshing response to racism that I have ever seen. How often is hate overcome by humor, wit, and creativity?

Please read the article, watch the YouTube video, and judge for yourself. And here is a follow-up, if you happen to become as obsessed as me.

I would like to close this post with a very special ching chong to my dear husband. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We Are Called

This statement has popped up in the last week at least three times.

The first time occurred at work when I was speaking with a PCA (patient care assistant) early last week. I could not stop verbally appreciating the apparent hard work and dedication of a few co-workers in caring for the patients. In front of the nurse's station, I told this PCA, "We are called to greatness!" He smiled and thought otherwise. I also smiled and stood firm by my statement. Whether we answer that call or not is up to each of us. I was quietly reminded by my Catholic side that we are called to be saints.

This past weekend at mass, the closing hymn was "We Are Called" by David Haas. Sing it with me now! It was seemingly the most frequent song we sang at the Wheeling Jesuit masses. Ah, the memories. While I used to roll my eyes with my girlfriends in the choir back then, I can't deny that this song will forever bring joy to me.

The last time this key phrase was mentioned happened yet again at work by the same PCA at the same place at the nurse's station, where the first conversation took place exactly a week prior. He was the one that now said to me, "Didn't you say that we are all called to greatness?" I was quietly surprised that he remembered this short conversation last week, but grateful that he realizes the importance to go beyond being good. To go the extra mile. To give it our 110%. To treat each patient as if they were our own spouse, mother, father, grandmother, brother, best friend. To be great caregivers for these sick patients.

I like to frequently recognize and thank my co-workers for their hard work and excellent patient care when it's apparent. It's part of my own call.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The first post

Once upon a time, I used to keep a daily "Dear God" journal written in my left-handed chicken scratch. But thanks to computers and the beauty of backspace, it seems as though I can better chart my thoughts via online journal. I have pondered starting a blog for sometime. Why not tonight, mid-Lent? I have given up my addiction to Facebook and have found worthier places to spend my time on the internet, ie NPR and The Huffington Post.

An article I came across this past weekend touches on gratitude, which is the constant state I feel I am in, especially after my miserable bout of influenza A recently. I do hope and plan to share that which has touched me and affected my life thus far, big and small things. Nothing spectacular with this first post, just simply grateful for a blessed life.