Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Second trimester

Last week, our 17 week appointment went much better than 4 weeks prior. I had lowered my expectations as a result of the last experience. We were fortunately greeted by a kind obstetrician who actually made us feel like we were worth his time. He walked in with the Doppler and my chart, which was the first promising sign. He took the time to answer questions. He gave us the shpeel of why an appointment is scheduled with each of the five WVU providers, as you never know which one would be there for the birthday party. I'm sure it wasn't the first time he has used that line, but what a joyful thought. His statement recognizes the literal birthday of our babe.

That day, Russ and I heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time together, going strong at 155. I was speechless once more, caught up in awe at this living being inside me. The obstetrician mentioned that it seemed as though the baby was doing back flips. Yet another pleasant thought of an active baby!

The obstetrician had asked me if I had felt the baby move. I told him I was uncertain if you could call what I was feeling the baby or my gut. When I was walking down the hall at work the week before, I did feel what I would call fluttering in my lower abdomen. I wanted to feel the baby. At times I am not sure when I am actually feeling the little one nor do I want to falsely tell people that I am feeling the babe when I am not. Toward the end of last week, I was feeling as though the baby was gently tapping my belly in sets of twos and threes. I mentioned it to Russ. He asked if he could feel it, but I didn't feel as though he could at that point.

Last night however, I could actively feel the baby kicking or punching. When I told Russ, he said it was because I just had coffee ice cream. Perhaps, but heck, I could feel the baby in action! I knew Russ was studying hard for the last part of the CPA exam, but I didn't want him to miss the obvious movement of our baby. He left his desk for a little while and sat next to me. I positioned his hand over my right lower abdomen, where I was feeling the baby kick pretty well. We waited for a couple minutes, then Russ felt the baby! I was so excited that he was able to feel what I was feeling! I think he was, too.