Monday, September 5, 2011


I don't feel as though I was properly warned about all this fatigue and exhaustion that comes with pregnancy. It began on week 4 and continues daily. When I voiced to a fellow nurse that I was feeling very tired that week, she immediately guessed that I was pregnant. I told her I wasn't sure, though I hadn't started my period either. I left out the part that I had taken a home pregnancy test that morning, and that it did show a faint line to indicate pregnancy.

By week 5, I was growing increasingly moodier. I noticed myself becoming short with the secretary. I started to feel guilty for being so moody. Another co-workers also noticed that something was different about me, but I wouldn't admit what quite yet. I was urinating frequently and the breasts were starting to feel tender.

At the start of the 6th week, waves of queasiness hit. My voracious appetite decreased greatly, though my unhealthy cravings set in. I was grateful to my ever loving husband, who gave in to my cravings for pizza one night and of General Tso's chicken and french fries another night. I told him that I didn't care to eat any of the healthy food he was always cooking. I was craving all things fried and unhealthy. I've shocked myself by turning my nose away from shiitake mushrooms from the farmer's market, which have been a favorite for me.

By the 7th week, I was still craving french fries, now fried chicken, and buttered toast. I was desiring blander foods to manage my queasy/nauseated self. Every time I felt as if I was going to vomit, I mentally coached myself with the mantra, "mind over matter, mind over matter." I preferred hovering over the bathroom sink than the toilet. We ate at our favorite Mexican restaurant. I was disappointed in myself for barely eating my favorite dish of quesadilla de chorizo. Certainly not the blandest item on the menu.

Today is the beginning of week 8. I am still feeling all of the aforementioned symptoms. Due to the nausea, I decided to cut back on my million and one supplements this past weekend, keeping only the prenatal vitamin for the baby's own good. I continue to take frequent naps on my off days from work.

Close friends know that I have been obsessed with all that I can learn about this baby growing inside me. Here are a couple of my favorite baby sites:

Baby Center

What to Expect

I have also always enjoyed hearing other people's stories. NPR did an excellent piece this summer on mothers and their baby stories. Here's the link to catch all the interesting, intriguing stories of these mothers.